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stepping stones of maritime history


In 1683, a naval squadron under the command of Lt. Admiral Willem Bastiaensz Schepers was sent to the Baltic Sea to assist Denmark against Sweden.

On the journey home, the North Sea squadron was hit by a heavy storm. In the night of November 15, 1683 the following ships were wrecked: Woerden. Hollandia, Tijdverdrijf Prins te paard, Leeuwen, Gouda, Westfriesland, Wapen van Monnickendam.
In total, the disaster took the lives of approximately 1,200 people, making it one of the largest disasters in Dutch history. (wikipedia)


Built: admiraliteit scheepstimmerwerf, 1667
Owner: admiraliteit van Amsterdam

Armament: 68-70 (24, 18 p, 24 12 p, 22 4 pds)
Complement 270 crew, 70 soldiers (1672) 350 (1683)

Captain Jan de Witte and his son Michiel Witte de Ruyter perished. Jan de Witte was the son in law of Michiel de Ruyter.

MasterWitte, Jan de,
People on board340
Length149.9 feet (45.7 m)
Width39 feet (11.9 m)
