
The MaSS API gives access to the data of all the sites covered by MaSS.
There are four methods: Search, List, Get and References. All methods return json.

To prevent abuse, we limit the access to the API per IP address. If your application stays under 720 queries per hour, you'll be fine. If we detect abuse, we will have to block your IP address.

We will release a new version when we make backwards-incompatible changes.
Latest version: v1.


Retrieve all sites.

URL template{language}/{wrapper}



Request examples


Name Data type Conditions Description Default value
{language} string (optional), one of en, nl Specifies the desired language of the response. en
{wrapper} string (optional) Wrap the response in JavaScript.
If the value contains “()” then the response will be wrapped in: {wrapper}([]);.
Otherwise the response will be wrapped in: var {wrapper} = [];.


Returns an array of objects. Each object has the following properties:

Name Data type Description Example
id integer Unique database id 233
code string Unique code utrecht-the
label string Name Utrecht, The
type string Heritage type, one of wreck, site, structure, plane, other wreck
lat float Latitude of location coordinates -12.9938530
lon float Longitude of location coordinates -38.6718750
location string Location name Bahia, Brazil
firstyear signed integer First year of building / commissioning 1737
firstyearend signed integer Last year of building / commissioning 1738
lastyear signed integer First year of demise 1740
lastyearend signed integer Last year of demise 1741
discovery signed integer Year of discovery 2004
subtype string Specification of the type (in specified language) Frigate


Get the properties of a specific site.

URL template{language}/{id}



Request examples


Name Data type Conditions Description Default value
{language} string (optional), one of en, nl Specifies the desired language of the response. en
{id} string
(required) The unique code (string) or database id (integer). null


Returns an object with the following properties:

Name Data type Description Example
id integer Unique database id 233
code string Unique code utrecht-the
name string Name Utrecht, The
type string Heritage type, one of wreck, site, structure, plane, other wreck
lat float Latitude of location coordinates -12.9938530
lon float Longitude of location coordinates -38.6718750
location string Location name Bahia, Brazil
firstdate date Date of commissioning (yyyy-mm-dd) 1600-01-31
firstyear signed integer First year of building / commissioning 1737
firstyearend signed integer Last year of building / commissioning 1738
lastdate date Date of demise (yyyy-mm-dd) 1600-01-31
lastyear signed integer First year of demise 1740
lastyearend signed integer Last year of demise 1741
country string Country of origin (in specified language) Nederland
countrycode string ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country of origin NL
author string Name of the author initialy added the site to the dataset
created_on timestamp Timestamp when the site was added to the dataset 2010-12-06 00:00:00
modified_on timestamp Timestamp when the site data was last modfied 2024-10-25 17:00:50
deleted_on timestamp Timestamp when the site was deleted from the dataset null
body string Description of the site in html format.
license object License for content use
license.title string Name of the license
license.href string Link to the license


Retrieve all references.

URL template{wrapper}



Request examples


Name Data type Conditions Description Default value
{wrapper} string (optional) Wrap the response in JavaScript.
If the value contains “()” then the response will be wrapped in: {wrapper}([]);.
Otherwise the response will be wrapped in: var {wrapper} = [];.


Returns an array of objects. Each object has the following properties:

Name Data type Description Example
type string Reference type, one of book, journal, webpage journal
title string The title of the book, journal article or webpage The Dutch fluitship Anna Maria, foundered in Dalarö harbour in 1709
publicationyear signed integer Year of publication 1987
author string Name of author(s), organisation or website Britt-Marie Petersen
journal string Journal title, volume (number), page numbers. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, vol 16.2
publisher string Publisher of the book, journal article or webpage Wiley Blackwell Publishing Ltd
url string Internet address of the online publication
backlinks array List of internet addresses referring to this reference [