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stepping stones of maritime history


Fragments (5,3 m x 1,5 m) of reused shipwood was found during excavations in the IJsselstraat in Deventer in 1983. This was the third ship find on the site. All three ships were barges

The remains consist of a chine and fragment of a bottom planking and a number of wooden inserts. The construction has many similarities with the Deventer 1.


Attachment of planking to the bilge strake .

Dendrochronology has yielded a logging date after around 913 AD. The wood was probably from the Ardennes. The moss burst was fixed with wooden pegs. The Deventer 1 and 3 show many similarities with the Utrecht 3.



  • Vlierman, K. (1996), Kleine bootjes en middeleeuws scheepshout met constructiedetails, Lelystad (Flevoberichten 404/Scheepsarcheologie II).
  • W. Brouwers/E. Jansma/M. Manders.
    Middeleeuwse scheeps- resten in Nederland.

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