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stepping stones of maritime history


The Zeelandia was the admiral ship in Admiral Jacob Willekens' fleet. Broadcast by the WIC to capture the Portuguese city of Bahia San Salvador in Brazil. The vice-admiral was Piet Hein. The first Dutch governor of Bahia Johanes van Dorth was on the Zeelandia.

Admiral Jacob Willekens left for the Republic at the end of July 1624 with a large part of the fleet and a cargo of textiles, tobacco and sugar. Vice Admiral Piet Hein sailed on to Angola.

Bahia did not stay long in the possession of the WIC. Because the ship the Vos had left as late as it did, the Spaniards were aware of the capture of Bahia a whole month earlier than the Dutch. A relief force was put together and sent as quickly as possible. The WIC was well aware of the Spanish relieve force, but due to bad weather a Dutch fleet could not be sent there to aid Bahia.

It was also believed that Van Dorth would be able to hold out until help could be sent. They were wrong. The Spanish Armada, a fleet of 52 ships under the command of Don Fadrique de Toledo, arrived on March 30th of 1625 in the area of Bahia. After a siege of a month the Dutch were forced to surrender the city on the 30th of April. The Dutch occupation force and their ships were allowed to leave Bahia.


MasterVan Dorth
Tonnage600 ton (300 last)


  • De Laet, J. (1644).
    Historie ofte iaerlijck verhael van de verrichtinghen der geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie, zedert haer begin, tot het eynde van 't jaer sesthien-hondert ses-en-dertich.