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stepping stones of maritime history


The Zeeland made only two outgoing voyages between 1783 and 1793. She left Zeeland for her last trip to Asia on March 30, 1791. She arrived in Batavia and left from there for China. In 1792, the Zeeland entered Canton. From there she left for the Netherlands with tea and porcelain.

On the homeward journey, the ship foundered in a north-westerly storm on May 22, 1793 in Table Bay near Cape Town. This storm also resulted in the wrecking of the Sterreschans.

Fortunately, all crew members survived the shipwreck.

The Coin Archive shows a coin recovered from the Zeeland, sunk in 1793 off South Africa:

Coin archive

SkipperTjerksz., Albert
Length149.9 feet (45.7 m)
Tonnage1150 ton (575 last)


The cargo was taken over by the 'Dregterland' and auctioned in 1794 under the name of the 'Dregterland'.


  • DAS 8353.2.
  • SAHRA Database.
  • Lesa la Grange, Martijn Manders, Briege Williams, John Gribble and Leon Derksen (2024).
    Dutch Shipwrecks in South African Waters: A Brief History of Sites, Stores and Archives [Unpublished].

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