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stepping stones of maritime history


Zandloper made one successful voyage to the Indies and back to the Netherlands. The second outward voyage from Wielingen (22-2-1700) to Ceylon (20-9-1700) was her last. 

The Zandloper capsized and sank in a storm on 20 November 1701. This happened off the coast of Trinconomale in modern day Sri Lanka on a journey from Bengal to Galle. Captain Kornelis van de Kriek is recorded as having gone down with his ship, although some members of the crew swam to the shore and reached a coastal place called "Caddrawally".


Model of a 1639 Dutch fluyt.


Built: Wharf: Delftshaven

master: Kornelis van de Kriek

Engraving of a fluyt, 1677.


Down on 11 February

New in MaSS

Wrecks of Flevoland

Burgzand Noord

13 Provinces