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stepping stones of maritime history


The Wieringen was at Maio Island from November 1627 untill 07-01-1628 .

Part of the fleet of 25 ships, under command of Cornelis Symonsz. van der Veer, were involved in a battle in the street of Malacca against the Portuguese. 
The Wieringen was hit and sank 02-06-1636. Only 14 sailors were rescued. Also three Portuguese ships sank during the battle. The biggest loss was The Madre de Dios with ca. 400 casualties.


Type of ship jacht
Built Amsterdam 1627
VOC chamber Amsterdam

Tonnage 120, 80 last

Blown up, fighting the Portuguese near Malacca, 02-06-1636.

People on board75


New in MaSS

Wrecks of Flevoland

Burgzand Noord

13 Provinces

Dutch Presence in Cuba