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stepping stones of maritime history


During the first four trips to the Indies, her name was Wapen van Hoorn; afterwards she was renamed in Hogersmilde. and as such departed for the fifth voyage on May 8, 1740 from Texel. She arrived in Batavia on 28 May 1741.
After arriving in Ceylon in November 1747, the Hogersmilde sailed back and forth between Ceylon and Mallabar until the ship was sent to Batavia in May.
Due to the late arrival in Surat, the Hogersmilde left too late in the season for a voyage from Surat to Batavia (between 4 May and 2 June 1750).

On June 2, 1750, the Hogersmilde was stranded in a severe storm two miles east of Gujarat). Captain Lieutenant Toussain and all other officers and crew except one lieutenant, 17 European and 15 native sailors drowned. Neither the cargo nor 100,000 rupiah in cash destined for Tuticorin (Mallabar) have been recovered. The total loss was NLG 398,032.2.

(source: VOC site)


Length145 feet (44.2 m)
Tonnage850 ton (425 last)

Down on 10 September

Wrecks of Flevoland

Burgzand Noord

13 Provinces

Dutch Presence in Cuba