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stepping stones of maritime history


De Vrede van Nijmegen (The Peace of Nijmegen) was a so-called 'Noordsvaarder'. These were unarmed fluyte ships that usually sailed to Norway. Timber was loaded there for shipbuilding.

De vrede van Nijmegen collided with the Swarte Kat (Black Cat) about 35 km N.W. of Texel on October 2, 1710. A large hole in the bow could not be repaired and the ship sank. The crew was rescued.

Skipper Boudewijn Treits was a member of the Anabaptisten (and therefore a pacifist). That was the reason he sailed to Norway. That was about the only route on which one could sail unarmed.

houthaler (Eertveld)
Dutch Ships loading Timber in a Northern Port,Houthalers (NMM, BHC0750)

The Peace of Nijmegen, also called the Treaty of Nijmegen, refers to the peace treaty concluded in Nijmegen on August 10, 1678 between the Dutch Republic and France. But treaties were also concluded in Nijmegen with the English, Sweden and other states so that one could speak of a (short-lived) pan-European peace. This was a historically important fact. Important enough for pacifist skippers like Treits to name their ship after.


Type: Fluyt, Noordsvaarder
Built: yard Friesland, 1700
Owner: Boudewijn Treits (Tiers, Sjeers)
Master: Boudewijn Treits (Tiers, Sjeers)

MasterBoudewijn Treits


  • SA, ONA 5918/597, testimony 29-10-1710.
  • SA, S&S 2939, authorization 26-5-1711.
  • Maartern Hell & Will Brouwers (2013).
    De vrede van Nijmegen.
    Vitruvius 22, jan 2013.