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stepping stones of maritime history


The Vliegende Draak was a yacht . Probably bought for the VOC chamber of Enkhuizen ca. 1626/27.

12 October 1627 she departed from Texel in a fleet destined for The East Indies.*

Trying to thread the Needles were four Dutch ships, Vliegende Draak, Prins Willem, Terschelling en Kampen. S.4165

scheepsvaart museum, Amsterdam

Ships on a Dutch painting of Adam Willaerts 1627. The third of the right is a Yacht.

The Prins Willem and the Terschelling managed to get through unscathed but the Vliegende Draak struck a rock in the gap and and ripped her bottom open. She managed to lurch through and founder not far up the Solent to be followed by the Kampen who struck fast on a rock in the centre of the gap.

The Vliegende Draak was badly holed but limped into the Solent and was deliberately run ashore in a sandy bay near Yarmouth. Her cargo and stores were unloaded and cargo and specie were put into safe keeping. Van Ommermen, acting for the VOC, commenced protracted attempts to get the salvaged items [which were in the hands of Robert Newland] returned to their rightful owners. The specie [was] with the magistrates in Portsmouth but the matter dragged on for years.


  • The Fleet: Delfshaven, Vliegende Draak, Kampen, Nassau, Terschelling, Ter Veere, Vlieland, Vlissingen, Wieringen, Prins Willem en Zeeburg.


Tonnage320 ton (160 last)
