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stepping stones of maritime history


Lost at the roadstead of St. Christopher (St. Kites Sandt Punt) during a hurricane.

The Swedish ship the Kalmar Key arrived from the colony of New Sweden (Delaware) at Sandt Punt. Skipper Jan van Water and Commander Minuit were invited to have dinner at the Vliegend Hert. When the hurricane broke out just before nightfall. The gentlemen were just sitting at the table.

Both ships fell off their anchors. The Kalmar Key, with six survivors on board, later reached St. Christopher. Commander Peter Minuit and skipper Jan de Water came to be on the wrong boat at the wrong time.


Type: merchantman
Built: yard Rotterdam, ca. 1620-1623
Owner: WIC chamber Rotterdam
Tonnage: 110 last
Complement: 22
Armament: 14 iron canons

People on board22
Tonnage220 ton (110 last)


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