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stepping stones of maritime history


The wreck was discovered in 1994 during excavation works at a dyke separating the Uelvesbüller Koog and Adolfskoog (polders). The wreck was not damaged by the excavator and it protruded 4 metres into the excavation pit. Owing to a low ground-water level during the sommer months, the stratigraphy of the dyke's building phases could be documented in situ.

Kühn, H.-J. (1999). Gestrandet bei Uelvesbüll - Wrackarchäologie in Nordfriesland. Husum.

The flood-control necessitated a swift recovery, however, so the wreck was excavated and removed as a block after only 9 weeks. For the removal, tunnels had to be dug beneath the wreck, into which steel girders were laid, which were connected to a corset. This was lifted from the excavation pit by a crane.

Kühn, H.-J. (1999). Gestrandet bei Uelvesbüll - Wrackarchäologie in Nordfriesland. Husum.


According to the dendrochronological analysis, the vessel was built around/after 1600. The way of construction shows the influence of the 'Dutch flush' method, as the vessel was built as shell-first carvel construction with massive planks, and frames that were later inserted and which components were not interconnected.

People on board2
Length39.4 feet (12 m)
Beam12.1 feet (3.7 m)
Tonnage20 ton (10 last)


The Uelvesbüll wreck has been conserved with sugar and is on display in the Schiffahrtsmuseum Nordfriesland, the small regional maritime museum of North Frisia in Husum.

Kühn, H.-J. (1999). Gestrandet bei Uelvesbüll - Wrackarchäologie in Nordfriesland. Husum.


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