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stepping stones of maritime history


The SS Troja was a German merchant ship.
On 25 August 1939, all German merchant ships worldwide received a radio message from the German ministry of transport which has the code word “Essberger”. This meant that they had to get back to Germany or seek refuge in a neutral harbour. 

On 31 August 1939 the German freighter Troja, Heidelberg, Antilla and Consul Horn to seek refuge in the neutral Dutch Caribian waters near San Nicolas Aruba. The next day Germany has invaded Poland, the start of World War II.
Two weeks later the German ships are allowed to anchor on the North West side of the Island opposite Malmok beach.

Early January 1940 the captain of the Consul Horn Johannes Roer decides it’s time to try a daring escape to Germany. In the night they set course to open sea. After the captain is convinced his escape has not been detected he orders his crew to repaint the ship with markings making it look like a Russian freighter with the name “Molodets” and home-port Odessa, and sets course for Europe. On 8 February 1940 the Consul Horn reaches the neutral waters of Norway. She is the fourth of five ships which succeeded in escaping from Central America.

Despite the fact that the allies increase their naval presence in the area the captains of the Heidelberg and Troja decide, in accordance with the directive of the German Ministry of Transportation, to attempt an escape on the evening of 29 February 1940. Both ships leave Aruban neutral waters under the cover of darkness.

But the allies where allert this time. The Troja was intercepted by the British Cruiser HMS Despatch 11 nautical miles West of Aruba. As soon as the captain of the Troja realizes there is no escape he orders the crew to set fire to the ship to avoid capture of his ship and abandon her.


Built: Howaldtswerke, Kiel
Owner: Hamburg Amerikanische Packetfahrt Actien Gesellschaft

MasterAdolf Boendel
Power228 hp
Length309.4 feet (94.3 m)
Width44 feet (13.4 m)
Tonnage2390 ton
