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stepping stones of maritime history


This wooden wreck has not been identified yet, but given the size and way of construction, it is reminiscent of a fish cutter of the first half of the 20th century.

Oleksiy Konovalov

A sketch of the wrecksite by the naval architect and underwater artist Oleksiy Konovalov.

Erhard Schulz

The wreck with a noticeable list of 30° to the starboard side.

Erhard Schulz

The well preserved stern with the rudder and propeller.

Erhard Schulz

The rounded stern section

Erhard Schulz

Futtocks with outer and ceiling planks at the reasonably well preserved port side.

Erhard Schulz

The stempost

Length65.6 feet (20 m)


In March 2007, the wreck was discovered by a survey vessel of the Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH: Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie) at a depth of 14 metres. The bow is in a state of advanced deterioration. The wreck has become a habitat for marine life, like lumpfish. Derelict fishing gear has been observed too.


  • Oppelt, I. (2019).
    Wracktauchen: Die schönsten Tauchplätze der Ostsee.

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