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stepping stones of maritime history


SS Rijnstroom was a freight and passenger vessel of the Hollandsche Stoombootmaatschappij, she was used for journeys to Africa. SS Rijnstroom left Downs on 2 March 1940, on her way from London to Amsterdam with general cargo. Nothing was heard of the ship since. Shortly after, a capsized lifeboat of pieces of wreckage were found near the light ship Westhinder. After the war, it turned out that the Rijnstroom had been torpedoed on 2 March, at 21:40 German time by the German submarine U-17. Commanding officer Behrens of U-17 noted in the log that he had attacked a tanker, the size of which he estimated at 8000 to 10,000 brt. In reality, the Rijnstroom weighed 700 brt. Three days later, U-17 torpedoed SS Grutto, the tonnage of which was severely overestimated as well.


MasterL. Verhoef
People on board12
Power750 hp
Speed12 knots ~ 14 mph (22 km/h)
Length246.1 feet (75 m)
Draft13.1 feet (4 m)
Displacement695 ton


The wreck of the Rijnstroom is at a maximum depth of 36 meters. Though it is a whole, it is almost unrecognisable as a ship. The bow is torn off and at starboard.The rest of the vessel is upright, but largely collapsed and sanded. The highest parts stick about 6 meters above the seabed.


  • Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed.
    Rijnstroom SS.
  • Stichting Maritiem-Historische Databank.
    Rynstroom - ID 5639.
  • Dirk Termote en Tomas Termote (2009).
    Schatten en scheepswrakken: boeiende onderwaterarcheologie in de Noordzee.
    z.p., Schuyt.
  • L.L. von Münching (1978).
    De Nederlandse koopvaardijvloot in de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
    Bussum en Middelburg, De Boer Maritiem.
  • K.W.L. Bezemer (1986).
    Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Koopvaardijvloot in de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
    Amsterdam, Elsevier.