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stepping stones of maritime history


Since 1578, Portugal was held against his will to Spain and tried to recover its autonomy, what advantaged English, Dutch and French. The Pernambuco (today Brazil) was also sought and the Dutch had conquered Recife. In 1631, the Spanish fleet led troop reinforcements in Bahia. General Adrian Pater misinformed about the exact power of the enemy, attempted confrontation that occurred near the rocks of Abrolhos, 200 n. m. E of Bahian coast.


Type: Frigate
Built: Amsterdam,
Owner: WIC chamber Amsterdam
Tonnage: 300 last

Complement: 115 matrozen / 145 soldaten
Master: Dingen Jansz.
Armamen : 8 bronze, 30 iron canons


  • De Laet, VIII, 240 e.v. Francisco de Brito Freire, Historia da Guerra Brasilica (1675) p 214/220 David F. Marley, Wars of the Americas: A Chronology of Armed Conflict in the America's Volume 1. p. 183.

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