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stepping stones of maritime history


On June 6 1765, the Pollux and Het Hof in Souburg left Hellevoetsluis. The visibility was very poor on 7 June. The Hof in Souburg came too close to the island of Schouwen and got stuck at the Oosterbank / point of Schouwen. Moments later, the Pollux also got stuck. The Souburg could come loose again, but not the Pollux. The crew had to leave the ship. In the coming days, as much as possible was saved from the Pollux equipage.

Pollux in de Schelde 1784
Fregat Pollux bij het wachtschip in de Schelde, 1784


Type: fregat, rate
Built: Rotterdam, 1758, L. v. Zwijndregt
Owner: Admiralty Maaze
Dimensions: 137 x 37 x 17 ft
Master: J. van Gennep
Armament: 36