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stepping stones of maritime history


The Oranjeboom van Enkhuizen was part of the fleet of Piet Hein to relieve Boudwijn Hendriksz. that was already in the Caribbean. Hein's fleet departed from Holland in May 1626.

On 3 and 4 March 1627, Piet Hein attacked the city San Salvador in the Bay of all Saints. During the fight the Oranjeboom exploded. Many men were killed and only 12 were rescued.


Type: frigate, ship
Built: Enkhuizen
WIC chamber Noorderkwartier
Tonnage: 300 last
Complement: 152
Master: Gerrit Jansz Eisens
Armament: 4 bronze, 29 iron

Tonnage600 ton (300 last)


The Oranjeboom van Enkhuizen should be in vicinity of the other Dutch wreck that sank the same day, The Amsterdam, which was the flagship of Piet Hein.


  • De Laet IV. 104.