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stepping stones of maritime history


The Noorderdijk was traveling from Newe York to Rotterdam via Falmouth with a cargo of flour destined for the Dutch government. She departed Falmouth on 22 February 1917 in convoy with six other Dutch ships under German government guarantee. Notwithstanding this guarantee, the Falmouth convoy was stopped the same day on the Atlantic Ocean west of Bishop Rock by the U 21 commanded by Otto Hersing.

The so called Falmouth convoy consisted of the ships: Jacatra, Noorderdijk, Eemland, Gaasterland, Bandoeng, Zaandijk and the Menado.

Final fate Lot Falmouth convoy
The captain of the Bandoeng negotiated with Hersing but to no avail. Six of the 7 Dutch ships were sunk. The Menado was the only ship that remained afloat, although badly damaged.

All 61 persons on board landed safely in Falmouth. After negotiations, Germany acknowledged the wrongfulness of the act and as compensation a German steamship lying in the Dutch East Indies was handed over to The Dutch owner.


MasterKoning, J. de
People on board61
Length133.5 feet (40.7 m)
Width16.4 feet (5 m)
Draft11.8 feet (3.6 m)
Tonnage7166 ton
