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stepping stones of maritime history


On 29 Nov 1943 II./JG 3 got the order to fly from their homebase to Volkel
in order to intercept the incoming American Air Force near the German border
Unteroffizier Fritz Kostenbader from 5./JG 3 was airborne from Volkel for his third flight. Together with his "Rottenflieger" ( Wingman) Lt. Leopold Münster, Leader of this "Staffel".
Around 14.00 uur it came to a dogfight, Münster shot down two P-38's
Kostenbader stayed the whole time with Münster, when the "Gruppe" stopped the fight, Kostenbader was out of sight. He didn't return from this flight.


In 1958 the area became land (polder Northeast Flevoland). In 1962, prospectors reported a spot where nothing would grow, they suspected a buried aircraft. The RNLAF dug-out this fighter, which was deep in the former sea bed, as an arrow in the ground. Pilot and his parachute were found in the cockpit.
