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stepping stones of maritime history


The Mentor (a frigatte ship) foundered off the southern Cape coast in a gale. Tragically, many aboard were lost, with only two survivors. The survivors were found on 9 January by the French vessel Salomon, clinging to a piece of the wreckage.

An Invoice value of 150971 guilders was attached to the cargo of the Mentor (Bruijn et al., 1979) The Mentor’s cargo was owned by the VOC Amsterdam Chamber, but the Mentor itself may have been privately owned.


SkipperJohan de Korte
Length149.9 feet (45.7 m)
Tonnage1150 ton (575 last)


  • NA-, Lijst van alle zoodanige Schepen in soorten als bij de Generale Oostindische Compagnie zijn gemaekt oft gekocht als gehuurt alsmede waer oft de zelfde zijn agter gebleven ofte verongelukt als genoomen en verbrand, vermist of.
  • Lesa la Grange, Martijn Manders, Briege Williams, John Gribble and Leon Derksen (2024).
    Dutch Shipwrecks in South African Waters: A Brief History of Sites, Stores and Archives [Unpublished].
  • DAS 8045.2.
    The Hague.
  • Dagregister 20-1-1780.