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stepping stones of maritime history


The German schip Nordmark was seized on 10 May 1940 at Tandjong Priok, Batavia by the Netherland Royal Navy and renamed Mandalika.

Between 00.24 and 00.29 hours on 19 March 1941, U-105 fired torpedoes at convoy SL-68 from within convoy columns and reported two ships sunk and another probably damaged. However, only the Mandalika (Master Leonardus Theodorus Marie Ouwerkerk) was hit on the port side near the engine room by one torpedo. The crew abandoned ship in several lifeboats as the ship slowly sank about 100 miles northeast of Cape Verde Islands. Three crew members were lost. The survivors were picked up by HMS Marguerite (K 54) (LtCdr A.N. Blundell, RNR).


Type: steamer, cargo
Built: Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co K.G. (D), 1930
Owner 1: Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt A.G., Hamburg (D)
Owner 2: From 10th may 1940 Rotterdamsche Lloyd, Rotterdam N.V. (NL)
Dimensions: 145.50 x 19.30 x 8.60 Meters
Tonnage: 7749
Propulsion: steam turbine
Speed: 14
Complement: 61
Master: Leonardus Theodorus Marie Ouwerkerk


3 crew members died:

G. de Boer 4e machinist
.A. Gerritsma ass. machinist
J. van Maarschalkerwaard ass. mac
