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stepping stones of maritime history


The Maen may have been the same as the Nieuwe Maen, first mentioned by Jan Pietersz. Coen in 1618, in order to make a distinction between another, older vessel with the same name.

Gesleten = gesloopt at Firando, the one called the Moone, a ship of 7 or 800 tonns, and the other, the Hownd, an English shipp in tymes past" Hirado 14 november 1622 (Diary of Richard Cocks, II, bl. 336)

The Maen was sent on several voyages in the East. In 1622, when it was supposed to sail in the company of the Hondt from the Moluccas to Cabo Spirito Sancto and from there to the coasts of China. However, both the Hondt and the Maen never managed to get that far as the ships were leaking to such an extent that both had to make a stop at Hirado, Japan. While at their anchors in Kawachi bay, a few km south of the Dutch trading post at Hirado, the vessels met with a great storm, somewhere between the 9th and the 19th of September that same year. The Maen yet again sprung a leak while the Hondt seemed to have burst entirely (Cocks 1883, p.336; Savenije, n.d.). Both ships were dismantled at Kawachi (Mulder 1985, p.276).


Hirado is a small fishing village situated in the south west of Japan, in the north western part of Kyushu. In the year 1609 the Dutch had established a trading post in Hirado. The port of Hirado was the centre for foreign trade in Japan until Japan closed most of its borders for the outside world in 1641. All Portuguese merchants, Jesuits and their Japanese following were banned from the country, while only the Dutch and Chinese merchants were allowed to continue their trade with Japan through the port of Nagasaki, until Japan reopened its doors to the the outside world in 1853.


Hollandse schepen vallen een Spaans galjoen bij Havanna aan. B en D zijn 'grote' Hollandse schepen (ca. 350 last ). H is een oorlogsjacht (ca 90 last) vergelijkbaar met de Maan. Wat opvalt is dat de Spaanse galjoenen kolossaal zijn vergeleken met de Hollandse schepen.

SkipperLambrechtsz., Reinier
Tonnage600 ton (300 last)
