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stepping stones of maritime history


At 07.14 hours on 7 July 1940 the unescorted and unarmed Lucrecia (Master Cornelis Smit) was hit on the starboard side underneath the bridge by one G7e torpedo from U-34 about 70 miles west of the Isles of Scilly. The explosion broke the back of the ship, ignited a fuel tank ahead of the bridge and killed the master who was probably asleep in his cabin. The crew immediately abandoned ship in one lifeboat and some rafts.


Type: Steam tanker
Tonnage 2,584 tons
Built: 1928 - Cantiere Federale per Construzione Navale Triestino, Monfalcone
Owner: Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Mij., Willemstad


Down on 25 October

Wrecks of Flevoland

Burgzand Noord

13 Provinces

Dutch Presence in Cuba