The logboat was discovered during river regulation excavations in 1953 to the west of the municipality of Leck.
The logboat was worked from an oak trunk of a diameter of ca. 1,6m. The log's interior was reinforced with 12 ribs. The wreck was C14-dated to ca. 200 A.D.
The mode of propulsion is evidenced by the finding of a paddle in the wreck as well as a mast-step in frame 8. It is not clear whether it carried a mast for sailing or for a towrope. The narrow hull and the riverine context would suggest the latter.
Length | 43 feet (13.1 m) |
Width | 4.6 feet (1.4 m) |
Although it was professionally documented and salvaged, the wreck was not conserved and only few fragments survived.
- Hirte, C. (1989).
„..quarum quaedam et triginta homines ferunt“? Bemerkungen zu Befund und Funktion der kaiserzeitlichen Stammboote von Vaale und Leck.
Offa 46.
pp 111-136. - Salemke, G. (1977).
Der Einbaum mit Spanten von der Lecker Au, Kreis Südtondern.
Das Logbuch 13.1, 5, 9.