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stepping stones of maritime history


The logboat was discovered during river regulation excavations in 1953 to the west of the municipality of Leck.


The logboat was worked from an oak trunk of a diameter of ca. 1,6m. The log's interior was reinforced with 12 ribs. The wreck was C14-dated to ca. 200 A.D.

The mode of propulsion is evidenced by the finding of a paddle in the wreck as well as a mast-step in frame 8. It is not clear whether it carried a mast for sailing or for a towrope. The narrow hull and the riverine context would suggest the latter.

Length43 feet (13.1 m)
Width4.6 feet (1.4 m)


Although it was professionally documented and salvaged, the wreck was not conserved and only few fragments survived.


  • Hirte, C. (1989).
    „..quarum quaedam et triginta homines ferunt“? Bemerkungen zu Befund und Funktion der kaiserzeitlichen Stammboote von Vaale und Leck.
    Offa 46.
    pp 111-136.
  • Salemke, G. (1977).
    Der Einbaum mit Spanten von der Lecker Au, Kreis Südtondern.
    Das Logbuch 13.1, 5, 9.