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stepping stones of maritime history


On the 7th of August, 2000 a shrimp cutter capsized because the nets got tangled up on the so-called wreck 733. The skipper of the shrimper said that his nets got caught up in the wreck because the wreck wasn't properly mapped since 1950.

Wreck 733 is the shipwreck of a marine steamer called Koningin Emma der Nederlanden. The ship was built in 1876 on the Rijkswerf in Amsterdam. At first she was named De Ruyter but on the 7th of January 1879 she was renamed as Koningin Emma der Nederlanden. The dimensions were 91,85 x 12,50 x 6,10 metres. The ship was made out of iron and coated in wood and zinc. With a sail of 1585m2, she also had a steam engine that produced 2.732 horsepower and a propeller with a diameter of 4.88m.

After her service in the Dutch Indies from 1880 to 1900, she was taken by the Germans at the Rijkswerf Willemmsoord. She then was used as lodging for the workers that repaired german ships on the Rijkswerf in Den Helder.

The ship capsized in 1943 in the harbour of Willemsoord in Den Helder and taken by the Germans to be permanently sunken in Malzwin. Why she capsized in the harbour that day is not known. However, some suggest that it was because of sabotage.


Archeoteam Miramar Friesland did an exploratory research on the wreck in 2002. The sight was so bad that the observations had to be done by touching the wood. The archaeologists determined that they could only feel 60 metres in length and 10 metres in width. The research was rather difficult due to iron rods that sticked out of the sand and thus in the way of the archaeologists.


Name: Koningin Emma der Nederlanden (Malzwin 3).

Type: Steamer

Wharf: Rijkswerf in Amsterdam

Length: 91.85 meters.

Width: 12.50 meters.

Draught: 6.10 meters.