Ermine, built by Fairfield SB. & Eng. Co., Ltd., Glasgow in 1912 and operated at the time of her loss by the Royal Navy, was a British fleet messenger of 1777 tons. On August 2nd, 1917, Ermine was sunk by a mine from the German submarine UC-23 (Volkhard von Bothmer) in the Aegean Sea between Saros and Mudros (Greece). 24 persons were lost.
- Dounis Ch. Shipwrecks in the Greek Seas [Ναυάγια στις Ελληνικές Θάλασσες]. 1900-1950 (vol. A). Athens: Finatec S.A., 2000, p. 531
- Fleet messenger Ermine - Ships hit by U-boats - German and Austrian U-boats of World War One - Kaiserliche Marine - uboat.net [WWW Document], n.d. URL https://uboat.net/wwi/ships_hit/2001.html (accessed 27.7.21)
- WRECKSITE - ERMINE PASSENGER SHIP 1912-1917 [WWW Document], n.d. URL https://wrecksite.eu/wreck.aspx?58520 (accessed 27.7.21)
- EL.I.N.IS. - Wrecks of the First World War in the Strymonic Gulf (Diving on the passenger ship HMS Ermine and the minesweeper HMT By George) [Ναυαγια Α’ Παγκοσμιου πολεμου στο Στρυμονικο κολπο (Καταδυση στο επιβατικο MFA Ermine και στο ναρκαλιευτικο HMT By George)] [WWW Document], n.d. URL https://elinis.gr/%CE%BD%CE%B1%CF%85%CE%AC%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%B1-%CE%B1-%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%B3%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%83%CE%BC%CE%AF%CE%BF%CF%85-%CF%80%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%AD%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%85-%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF-%CF%83%CF%84/ (accessed 4-10-24)
- InDEPTH - A Greek JJ-Palooza on HMS Ermine [WWW Document], n.d. URL https://indepthmag.com/diving-hms-ermine/ (accessed 4-10-24)
Length | 299.9 feet (91.4 m) |
Width | 40.2 feet (12.3 m) |
Tonnage | 1777 ton |
The shipwreck was designated as a monument in 2024, according to the Law 4858/2021 (https://diavgeia.gov.gr/doc/65%CE%A4%CE%9946%CE%9D%CE%9A%CE%9F%CE%A4-5%CE%A8%CE%A0?inline=true).