The ship was first called Eendracht and made four return voyages to the East Indies under that name. On 20 May 1754 she left Texel under the name Elswoud for her fifth voyage. On 9 January 1756, the ship was wrecked en route from Batavia (Jakarta) to Siam (Thailand), on a small island 8 miles south of Batticaloa (in Sri Lanka). The crew was saved except for two or three men.

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Replica of a Dutch East Indiaman (the Amsterdam) at the National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam.
VOC Chamber: Amsterdam
Yard: Amsterdam
Crew: 291-364
Tonnage: 1150 tons, 575 last
Master on final voyage: Dirk Stijve
Skipper | Dirk Stijven |
Length | 149.9 feet (45.7 m) |
Tonnage | 1150 ton (575 last) |