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stepping stones of maritime history


The Earl of Shaftesbury was an iron built sailing cargo vessel. The ship had sailed for Bombay from the port of New York harbour loaded with a cargo of paraffin oil and coal. After unloading in Bombay, it was reloaded with ballast stones, and departed again for Diamond Island in Rangoon. It was wrecked in early May 1893 while sailing around Sri Lanka two miles away from Akurala in Ambalangoda. Due to the rough seas, the ship had struck a reef. Six crew members drowned and fourteen survived.

A survey and research has been conducted around 2008 by archaeologists from Sri Lanka. The incident was reported in newspapers found in the National Archives in Colombo (The Examiner, 8-11 May 1893). The value of the vessel was estimated at 300,000 Rupees. One article also mentions another ship - a steamer - was lost close by a few years earlier.

Underwater photo of the masts of the ship.

Rasika Muthucumarana

Two of the masts of the ship.


Four masted iron sailing ship
Yard: Reimage and Ferguson, Leigh region, UK
Owner: Brown and Sons
Site map of the wreck

Rasika Muthucumarana

A site map of the wreck.

Length289.4 feet (88.2 m)
Width42 feet (12.8 m)
Draft24 feet (7.3 m)
Tonnage2079 ton


The vessel is lying east-west, with the bow facing east and the stern west. The parts of the wreck are spread across an area measuring 40 x 100 meters. Most of the ship's constructions can be identified. The bow, fore mast , aft mast and the two main masts, the turning axel, the rudder and a relatively small anchor (without a stock) can be observed. The ship is lying on the port side on the sandy bottom.

Today, the wreck is a popular diving site.

Underwater photo of the stern section of the wreck

Rasika Muthucumarana

The stern section of the wreck.