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stepping stones of maritime history


At 14.00 hours on 15 Feb, 1940, the Den Haag was torpedoed and sunk by U-48.

The 13 survivors in one lifeboat were picked up by the British steam merchant Glen Orchy.

The other two lifeboats with bodies were later found adrift and some bodies were washed ashore on the French coast.

Den haag 1925

Launch of the Den Haag on the 4th April 1925, at the shipyard of Friedrich Krupp A.G. Germaniawerft, Kiel


Type: tanker

Built: Friedr. Krupp A.G., 'Germaniawerft', Kiel, (D), 1925
Owner: Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (PIM), Den Haag (v.a. 1937)

Length: 143.2
Tonnage: 8971

Propulsion: 2x Krupp Germania motoren van 1400 p.k

Complement: 39, 26 casualties
Master : C. Wijker

People on board26
