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stepping stones of maritime history


The preserved remains are made up of 7 iron cannons, a small anchor and a set of stones, possibly the ballast of the ship. The elements are very deteriorated.

The cannons were originally identified as part of the weapons of "La Ragazzona", a Venetian ship wrecked in the area on December 8th 1588 after being part of the Spanish Armada. A preliminary study of the cannons seems to indicate a chronology of the seventeenth century, which would invalidate the identification as “La Ragazzona”, but some of them could be consistent with the chronology of this ship.



  • Fernández Abella, David; Abilleira Crespo, Yago; Blanco Patiño, Diana; Carlsson-Brandt Fontán, Erik; Crespo Liñeiro, Ignacio; Ferreira Domínguez, Alba (2014).
    Proyecto Ragazzona.
    Glyphos: revista de arqueología, 3.
    pp 23-32.
  • Fernández Abella, David (2014).
    Buscando a La Ragazzona, prospección arqueológica subacuática en la ensenada de Cariño, Ferrol.
    Gallaecia: revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade, 32.
    pp 191-214.
  • Blanco Patiño, Diana; Fernández Abella, David (2016).
    Estado de conservación de los restos encontrados en la ensenada de Cariño (Ferrol).
    Actas del V Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Subacuatica (IKUWA 5), Cartagena.
    pp 332-333.

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