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stepping stones of maritime history


The wreck of an archaic Greek ship was found in Cala Sant Vicenç Mallorca.

The ship was excavated between 2002 and 2004.

The central part of the ships hull has been preserved. The keel and four strakes on one side and five strakes on the other, measuring approximately 6 by 4 meters.

The cargo is heterogeneous, but the objects attributable to the crew are clearly of Greek origin, as is the majority of the cargo, although a significant part consists of Iberian amphorae.

The construction of the ship, both in terms of construction principle and assembly system, is in the family of sewn boats. defined by Patrice Pomey and in addition to Cala Sant Vicenç also includes Bon Porté, Jules-Verne 9, Pabuç Burnu and Giglio.

A light cargo model such as there were hundreds in the Phocaean colony Massalia (Marseille)

The Cala Sant Vicenç has a number of remarkable features, including its large dimensions that probably make it one of the largest of its kind, with a total length of no less than 20 meters.

Another remarkable detail, which we also find at Pabuç Burnu, is the presence of mounting pins between the keel and the first corridor, while the other corridors are assembled with tabs.

A detail observed here for the first time on a ship lies in the fact that four corridors provide sufficient evidence to establish that they were reused.

The Cala Sant Vicenç was a merchantman who was shipwrecked around 530-500 BC. In a context of expanding the commercial influence of Massalia (Marseile), a colony of the Greek city of Phocaea, founded around 600 BC.
This city in turn had founded trading points on the coast of present-day Spain, the most important of which was Emporion (Ampurias).



  • Nieto, Xavier; Santos, Marta; Tarongi, Ferran (2004).
    Un barco griego del siglo VI a.c. en Cala Sant Vicenç (Pollença, Mallorca).
    La Navegación Fenicia, tecnología naval y derroteros, Centro de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos: 197-225.
  • Nieto, Xavier; Santos, Marta; Tarongi, Ferran (2005).
    El barco griego de Cala Sant Vicenç (Pollença, Mallorca).
    Aequora, pontos, jam, mare… Mare, uomini e merci nel Mediterraneo antico. Atti del Convegno internazionale (Genova, 9-10 dicembre 2004): 42-55.
  • Nieto, Xavier; Santos, Marta (2010).
    El barco griego arcaico de Cala Sant Vicenç.
    In: Patrice Pomey (dir.) Transferts technologiques en architecture navale méditerranéenne de l'Antiquité aux temps modernes : identité technique et identité culturelle. Actes de la Table Ronde d'Istanbul 19-22 mai 2007: 45-58.