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stepping stones of maritime history


The DEI ship Batavier was delivered on July 2, 1783. This festive event is recorded in a copper engraving made by Cornelis Brouwer in 1783.


Copper engraving by Cornelis Brouwer commemorating the launching of three VOC ships Batavier, Doggersbank and Meermin on July 2, 1783. (view the engraving with text)

The ship was then laid up for 2 years (from 1782/83 to 1783/84) due to the Fourth English War (1780-1784), before it could embark on its maiden voyage. (1-6-1784) .

The second and last journey started on June 13, 1790. She arrived in Batavia on February 8, 1791.*

In 1793 the 'Batavier' ran aground near Bima on the island of Sumbawa and sank. There was a VOC office in Bims. Mainly Sappan wood was loaded here.


SkipperPieter Volkwart jr. van Amsterdam
Length150.1 Amsterdam feet (42.5 m)
Tonnage900 ton (450 last)


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