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stepping stones of maritime history


Left Durban November 17th, 11.00 hour, to England, via Suez Canal. Ship was loaded with 7091 tons of general cargo, like: platinum, copper, copper ore, tabacco, tea and brown sugar. On December 21st, commodore signalled an air attack had to be expected, so the guns were manned and fire was opened.
At 16.55 hour Alpherat was hit by a bomb near SB bridge. An explosion occured in hold II and water entered the hold. Watertight doors had to be closed but also water poured into hold I.

The 23 passengers were ordered to prepare for leaving the ship. Despite pumping, the water in hold I and II was still raising. The ship held position in the convoy.

On 17.25 hour it was clear the ship could not be kept afloat any longer and the speed was reduced. After being stopped, all the 23 passengers and the crew of 65 left the ship and waited at a save distance of the vessel. After being picked up by an escort vessel they stayed near the sinking ship so they were aware the ship broke in two and sank on 19.10 hour.

The Alpherat sank 150 miles east of Malta, position 35º20' N and 14º04' E. All passengers an crew members were brought in safety by one or more escort vessels.


Length423.6 feet (129.1 m)
Width52.2 feet (15.9 m)
Draft29.5 feet (9 m)
Tonnage5659 ton


  • marhisdata id 294.
  • Haersolte, J.W.J. van (ed) (1947).
    Scheepsrampen in oorlogstijd ,nr. 287.
    Amsterdam, J.F. Duwaer en zonen.